Overview - Accounting Connections

The Accounting Connections feature provides the ability for you to set up a connection in CCC ONE to your accounting application. This connection provides the ability for you to export sales, receipts, and cost items data to your accounting application. Access this feature using Express Setup, or by selecting Configure > Accounting Connections from the menu bar.

CCC ONE supports Intuit QuickBooks Desktop, Intuit QuickBooks Online, Sage BusinessWorks, Sage MAS 90/200, Lawson, and Microsoft Dynamics GP.



See Also

Setting Up an Accounting Connection Using Express Setup

BusinessWorks™ - Accounting Connection

Lawson™ - Accounting Connection

MAS90 MAS200 - Accounting Connection

Microsoft Dynamics® GP- Accounting Connection

QuickBooks Desktop™ - Accounting Connection

QuickBooks Online™ - Accounting Connection

Screen Description

Accounting Connections Search Results Screen







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